営業時間 AM10:00~PM10:00 年中無休 料金:平日950円 土日祝1,100円 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. 7 days a week / Weekdays: ¥950 Weekends & Holidays: ¥1,100 营业时间:上午10点至晚上10点 一周7天 价格:平日950日元 周六,周日及公众假期1,100日元

大和の湯だより NEWS NEWS

A popular sake among foreign tourists

June 26, 2019

With the 2020 Tokyo Olympics approaching, we’ll be offering “Bizen Omachi”, a Japanese sake from “Chomeisen” brewery, which is popular not only with the Japanese, but also with foreign tourists.

“Chomeisen” brewery is the only brewery of “jizake” (local sake) in Narita.

“Bizen Omachi” sake is made from pure rice and has fruity taste and a rich flavor, and it is used for dedication ceremonies at “Naritasan Shinshoji” temple.
It is also offered on ANA flights to Honolulu now, and is attracting much attention.

Please give this sake a try, as we believe you’ll be amazed. We would like to share this delicious taste with as many people as we can.

We are looking forward to your visit from bottom of our hearts.
