Let’s enjoy winter onsen by learning the correct bathing method!
December 10, 2019
The onsen season has come!
Our onsen, of which we are quite proud, is a 100% natural sodium / chloride bicarbonate hot spring without any filtration or additives. It warms you from center of your body and keeps you warm even after bathing.
We’ll explain the correct bathing method for enjoying winter onsen.
- Please keep warm and avoid getting cold before bathing to prevent putting an excess strain on your body.
- Please don’t forget to stay hydrated before, during and after bathing. Be sure to drink some water!
- Before bathing, please pour hot water on your body first, begining from your hands and feet, (don’t pour hot water on your chest first). Then gradually pour hot water on your entire body to get used to hot water.
- Please take an indoor bath first before going to the open-air bath. A long bath may put unnecessary strain on your body, so taking a short indoor bath lightly is preferable.
- When you go outside to enjoy the open-air bath, if you begin to feel cold, covering your shoulders with a towel warmed by hot water is effective in keeping you warm.
- Before entering the open-air bath, please pour hot water from the open-air bath on your body again to get used to the water temperature. When you get out of bath, please stand up slowly to avoid lightheadedness.
Keeping the above method in mind, please enjoy winter onsen!